A Center for Contemporary Circus in cooperation with the Letní Letná Festival of Contemporary Circus presents The Czech Contemporary Circus Showcase which is a curated selection of Czech contemporary-circus projects. Listen to 60 minutes / 3 themed blocks / hosted by Veronika Štefanová and meet Czech artists who have been active in Czech contemporary circus for over a decade as well as those who are just entering the professional scene. You will discover the diversity and richness of the creative approaches behind the scenes of Czech contemporary circus whether it is performed on theater stages, in circus tents or in the streets, for a broad audience or as an experiment pushing the limits of the genre.
Blaha, Stárková, Menoušek – LAVABO – Lukas Blaha
Viktor Černický – PLI – Viktor Cernický
Cie Pieds Perchés – OK(N)o – Morgane Widmer
Eliška Brtnická – HANG OUT + Fish EYE – Eliška Brtnická
Holektiv – Crows – Karolína Křížková