A weekend encounter of professionals in the field of social circus will take place at Světovar in Plzeň, Czech Republic, on April 12 to April 14.
This second social-circus weekend will focus on the use of circus techniques for work with handicapped people (hence “HENDICIRK” from the Czech spelling of the word “hendikep”.) The weekend includes a juggling workshop with Petter Wadsten from Sweden who currently performs in the Risk production by Cirk La Putyka. More information about Petter can be found on his web site: www.petterwadsten.com.
Workshop program:
FRIDAY, April 12
6pm arrival, accommodation, an information session
SATURDAY, April 13
9:30am opening, program and themes review
10:00am an ethical codex for social-circus lecturers (comments, discussion of its necessity and usefulness)
11:30am break
11:45am game exchange
1:00pm lunch
3:00pm discussion of the possibilities of circus for work with the handicapped
4:30pm break
4:45pm work in two groups – inventing games and testing them on the other group
6:30pm circus man’s leisure time – unguided playtime
SUNDAY, April 14
11:00am a workshop with Petter Wadsten (juggling and object manipulation)
2:00pm lunch
3:00pm workshop for seniors
4:30pm feedback, conclusion
The participation fee for the weened workshop is CZK250 which covers the entire program including the workshop with Petter Wandsten and accommodation at a hostel near Světovar.
The number of participants is limited. A group (organization) can send at most 2 participants. Individual arrangements for the Sunday workshop with Petter can be made for people outside the weekend program.
Contact: Barbora Adolfová, e-mail: barbora@cirqueon.cz, tel.: (+420) 608 957 317.
Apply ASAP, the number of participants is limited.