The main purpose of the Health Clown civic association is to support the mental well-being of hospitalized children and seniors and thereby aid the improvement of their overall mental and health condition. Health Clowns use humor to distract both big and small patients from fear, tension and anxiety related to their illness or the hospital environment. The members of the Health Clown team are professionals, mostly educated in the field of theater (DAMU, JAMU, FAMU). However, there are also many naturally talented clowns without formal education. An important prerequisite is a comic talent, musical talent, the ability to improvise but also a large dose of empathy, patience and of course, talent for work with children.
Professional Health Clowns are currently considered an effective part of the recovery process at children’s departments of hospitals around the world as well as in most developed European countries, such as Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia.