The Department of Mime is the youngest creative and educational department of the Music and Dance School of AMU in Prague. The department was established as an independent unit in 1992. However, the field of specialization of this department had already been well alive at HAMU.
Mime was originally a subject offered by the Department of Dance and became a major in the 1980’s. Back then, it constituted classical mime and its founded and head teacher was the outstanding Czech mime professor Ladislav Fialka. After professor Fialka, professor Ctibor Turba took over and expanded the major into the broader concept of non-verbal theater and comedy. He also founded the department and headed it until 1999. After his unexpected spontaneous abdication, all responsibility for the continuation and further expansion of the styles of movement theater being taught was taken over by professor Boris Hybner with his colleagues.
The teachers of the department include Adam Halaš, Roman Horák, Boris Hybner, Ctibor Turba, Štefan Capko, Miřenka Čechová, Martin Sochor, Radim Vizvary, Monika Rebcová, Josef Platz, Rostislav Novák, Václav Jelínek and others.