Cirqueon accepted Into The Caravan Network

Starting January 2013, Cirqueon – A Center For Contemporary Circus is a member of the European circus Caravan Network of organizations focused on circus education, work with youths and social circus.


The Caravan Network comprises 12 circus schools and organizations from 12 European countries. Cirqueon has thus become an official partner of a tightly cooperating network which includes Cirkus Cirkör (Sweden), Cirkus Elleboog (The Netherlands), Ateneu Popular Nou Barris (Spain), Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (France), Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles (Belgium), Sorin Sirkus (Finland), Upsala Circus (Russia), Belfast Community Circus (Northern Ireland), Galway Community Circus (Ireland), Parada Foundation (Romania) and Zaltimbanq (Luxembourg).

The Caravan Network cooperates on international youth exchange projects, European education projects for circus teachers and information sharing between participating schools. The participating organizations also host and train their fellow members‘ teachers, students and administration staff.

Currently, there is a circus – hip-hop project entitled Hip Cirq Europ in progress and other seminars and workshops for lecturers and youth exchange programs are under development.

More information on the Caravan Circus Network can be found at