Dne 13. 12. v rámci projektu „Na divadelní trase Berlín-Praha“ hostíme naší kolegyni z Berlína, která bude vést workshop klaunerie a pantomimy u nás ve zkušebně od 13:00 do 17:00.
Adresa: Follow the Cat, Mlýnská 6, Praha, Bubeneč
Spojení: Hradčanská a bus 131 na Goetheho zastávku
Více info: info@tnf.cz, 734 445 138 (Luca, produkce)
Workshop je vhodný pro všechny, které klaunerie a pantomima zajímá a vstup je volný.
Tak přijdtě!
Projekt podpořil Česko-německý fond budoucnosti, MHMP a MKČR
Více informací o Elene:
ELENA´S BIO (in English)
Lena Binski (Elena Bolsuna) was born in Riga (Latvia). In the 80’s she studies arts, painting and drama. She leaves Latvia 1994 and works as an artist and actress in Sweden, Denmark and Israel. In 1998 she moves to Germany and studies between 1999 and 2001 pantomime and clowning at the school of Eberhard Kube in Berlin.
In the next years she is working on various pantomime, physical theater, comedy and film projects. As the founding member of the clown group „Die Aussenseiter“ she creates the clown show „Krakelspektakel“ and the excentric program „Die Pose“.
With „Die Aussenseiter“ she takes part in theater and clown festivals all over the world and performs in various european countries as well as in Japan, South Korea and China. 2010 till 2012 she is working as the member of the duo „Theater Kavardak“ on the show „Sun-City“, which has a premiere in 2012 in Berlin. The current solo project „Die 7 Leben des Fräulein B.“ is created 2013-2014. Since 2012 Elena Bolsuna is working as a solo artist and coaches a theater clowning course at Acud Theater Berlin.